Making an Entry
Make an entrance
Definition: to enter a room or building in a formal way or in a way that makes people notice you.
-"To Arrive"
-Put your best foot forward
-First impression
-Pulling it all together
Often the entry rug is the last piece of the puzzle. Bridging several rooms (and rugs) together in color & pattern.
"What I am after is the first impression-I want to show all one sees on first entering the room-what my eye takes in at first glance."
-Pierre Bonnard
Interiors by Libby Greene
Home of Kathleen Roth, owner of Key Circle Press
Home of Kirsten Hoff, featured in StyleBlueprint
Khotans in California
Interiors by Libby Greene
Interiors by Trissy Holladay
Interiors by Jane Hodges
Interiors by Doug Davis, Photo by Jean Allsop
Holman Home, 2018 IPC Holiday House Tour